Information Technology
Information Technology plays a huge role in your business, but it doesn't have to take up a huge space in the budget. Our financing solutions can help your business improve bookkeeping and cash flow while still meeting all your IT requirements.
Most banks rarely provide leasing options and hardly any provide sales & hire back solutions. Mitsubishi HC Capital Asia Pacific however, provides several financing options, including financing of paid-for assets. IT products such as PCs, laptops, servers, software, licenses, specialised software and so on can all be financed, which is a rare solution other companies.
To make our already flexible options even better, we also offer the option for customers to buy back the product after the lease has ended. Needless to say, our options are not just flexible, but highly customisable to meet your business needs as closely as possible.
Certain businesses will be pleased to know that we have developed partnerships with certain vendors, allowing for further-reduced leasing rates for laptops and selected IT products.
Interested to see how much financing is possible for your IT products? Drop us an enquiry here.